*Featured in The New York Times, TechCrunch, Fox Business, CNET, and more*
Xpire is the easy way to shrink your digital footprint.
In a world full of social media, it can sometimes be hard to monitor your online presence. Let Xpire be your safety net for all things social networking!
With Xpire you can:
- Share timed Twitter posts that automatically self-destruct (The tweet, favorites, and retweets are all deleted!)
- View and delete your past tweets
- Use keywords to search through your old tweets
- Calculate your Social Score to determine how much potentially risky content you share on Twitter
- Manage your tweets, favorites, followers, and who you’re following
- Manage multiple social networking accounts
- Delete your tweets with the tap of a button
- Manage expiring tweets and change expiration times on-the-fly
- Remove unwanted followers
Note: Xpire can crawl up to 3,200 of your most recent tweets.
We are constantly updating Xpire to make the best possible product we can. If you have questions or comments about the app, please shoot us an email at <a href="mailto:info@getxpire.com">info@getxpire.com</a>
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">*精选在纽约时报,TechCrunch的,福克斯商业,CNET等*
- 分享定时自动自毁Twitter的职位(鸣叫,收藏夹和锐推都删除!)
- 查看和删除您过去的鸣叫
- 使用关键字,通过您的旧鸣叫搜索
- 计算你的社会分数,以确定有多少潜在的风险内容,你在Twitter上分享
- 管理你的微博,我的最爱,追随者,而你下面谁
- 管理多个社交账户
- 删除您的tweets一个按钮,水龙头
- 管理到期的鸣叫和更改的即时到期时间
- 删除不需要的追随者
我们正在不断更新Xpire做出最好的产品,我们可以。如果您对应用程序的问题或意见,请拍我们发一个电子邮件在<a href="mailto:info@getxpire.com">info@getxpire.com</a></div> <div class="show-more-end">